About Me
Hi, I'm Brydon and this is personal for me.
I’ve quit many companies. In almost every case, leaving wasn’t about the work itself. It was about feeling stuck in a system unwilling to change. The hardest part? Leaving behind the people I cared about and the potential I saw.
Each time, before walking away, I tried to create a path forward. I’d meet with leadership, laying out specific ideas for change in the form of small adjustments, big transformations, anything to get momentum started. I wasn’t looking for my ideas to be implemented verbatim. What I wanted was a signal that change was possible, that the company could evolve.
In all but one case, the response was silence. A few weeks later, I’d resign. Not because I wanted to, but because it was clear the system wasn’t willing to move.
On the flip side, I’ve started a lot of companies. Maybe too many. I wouldn’t call myself a serial entrepreneur as I don’t think that label fits. What drives me isn’t the allure of building something new for its own sake. It’s about wanting to shape the environment I’m part of, to create space for growth and change.
And that’s why I started Fork Your Company.
Here’s the truth: Not everyone needs to start their own company to find fulfillment. We don’t always need to quit and walk away. Sometimes, the answer is to fork the company we’re in. To experiment, to innovate, and to push for change from within.
This is a place for people who feel stuck but aren’t ready to give up. Together, we’ll explore how to spark transformation where you are right now. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t but at least you’ll know you tried.
If you can't Fork Your Company, you can move on tomorrow. But today? Let’s see if we can change the company you’re in.
If you need to reach me directly, email bg at ForkYourCompany.com.